July 2, 2024
The concept of Taleem Niswan is derived from the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) that acquiring knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim, whether male or female. It is evident that education is equally important for women as it is for men.

Taleem Niswan

Taleem Niswan / Women's education / Female's education

Meaning of "Taleem Niswan" in English:

“Niswan” is an Arabic word which means women or ladies. “Taleem Niswan” refers to women’s education.

Taleem Niswan / Women's education:

The concept of Taleem Niswan is derived from the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) that acquiring knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim, whether male or female. It is evident that education is equally important for women as it is for men. Taleem Niswan / women’s education specifically refers to the education of women because women are an integral part of this universe and society. No society can be complete without women. In any society, for it to be ideal, men and women must work together. Human society is formed only by humans, and in this society, there are two groups: men and women. The existence of both is indispensable, and without them, society cannot be established. When Prophet Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) was created, Allah also created another gender, Eve (Hawwa) (Peace Be Upon Her).

Men and women are like the two wheels of a car:

Men and women are not just part of the same society; rather, they constitute a society. Both men and women play the role of two wheels of a car. Until there is balance between the two, a society cannot prosper, and their lives cannot reach their desired destination.

Progress is impossible without education:

No society and its inhabitants can progress until they are adorned with the ornament of education. When both men and women are educated, they can make progress as a nation. If a country wants to progress and earn a name in the world, it should arrange education for all the individuals residing within its borders, so that its people can benefit fully from that education.

Education of women during the time of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him):

During the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in Madinah, a place was designated for the education of men, and similarly, a specific day of the week was set aside for the education of women. The blessed wives of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to learn about religion from him, and then they would teach other Muslim women about the solutions to their issues. The religion of Islam is very simple and easy, and it is easy because the principles for living a life according to it are fully explained. Life should be lived according to those principles.

A mother's lap is a child's first classroom:

It is well said that a mother’s lap serves as the first classroom for a child because a mother is the one who nurtures the child, and if the mother raises the child in a good manner, whatever she teaches the child will be useful in the child’s future life. A child learns everything from the mother, as the mother knows it. Therefore, it is necessary for the upbringing of a child that the mother be educated. The education of a man is for an individual, while the education of a woman holds the status of education for the entire society. A woman is the one who brings a child into this world and can make the child a respected and dignified citizen by providing proper nurturing.

 Napoleon said, “Give me good mothers, and I will give you a good nation.”

It is evident that the most important thing for a person is their best upbringing because when a child comes into this world, they have no knowledge about worldly matters. Therefore, it is necessary that the mother be educated, literate, and conscious so that she can teach her child about the customs, way of living, and social norms of this world, and she can make the child strong in terms of character so that they can face any difficulties with ease.

Educated women: Better management of the household:

Just as the Prime Minister runs the affairs of the country and manages all matters, it is the responsibility of the wife to manage the kingdom of the house. If the wife is cultured, educated, literate, and understanding, she will manage the household in the best way.

Why is women's education necessary?

An educated woman not only knows how to run her house efficiently but also knows how to raise children in the right manner and how they should live in the house. Along with providing love and care to the children, she also takes care of their other needs in life. She keeps track of the necessary items for the house in the monthly budget and does not exceed her income. By doing some work from home, she can contribute to her husband’s earnings. If necessary and permitted, she can also do a job and increase the income. In contrast, an ignorant woman cannot do such things because she lacks the wealth of knowledge. She cannot raise children correctly. Therefore, education is essential for women.

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